Knowing how to use a fire extinguisher can make all the difference in an emergency. Whether you’re at work, at home, or anywhere else, a fire extinguisher is a powerful tool that can help stop small fires before they become dangerous. But, it’s important to know how to use it properly. Here’s a quick and simple guide to help you stay prepared.

Step 1: Remember PASS

The easiest way to remember how to use a fire extinguisher is by using the acronym PASS:

  • Pull the pin: This releases the locking mechanism and allows you to use the extinguisher.
  • Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire: Focus on the source of the flames, not the fire itself.
  • Squeeze the handle: This will release the extinguishing agent.
  • Sweep from side to side: Keep moving the nozzle across the base of the fire until it’s completely out.


Step 2: Stay Safe While Using the Extinguisher

Before you even start, make sure the fire is small enough to handle with an extinguisher. If the fire is too large, or if you’re unsure, evacuate immediately and call the fire department. Always keep an exit behind you, so you can leave quickly if the fire spreads.

If the fire doesn’t go out after using the extinguisher, leave the area immediately. Don’t put yourself in harm’s way by trying to tackle something too big.


Step 3: Regular Maintenance

Fire extinguishers don’t last forever. Make sure yours are checked regularly, and always replace or refill them after they’ve been used. An expired or empty fire extinguisher won’t do you any good in an emergency. Learning to use a fire extinguisher takes just a few minutes, but it could save lives. Next time you see a fire extinguisher, stop and check where it’s located. Think through the PASS method and remind yourself how to stay safe in case of fire.

At TASC, we deliver World-class Fire Safety training that enables teams and individuals to prepare for emergencies with practical, hands-on tips that ensure everyone knows what to do when it matters most. Whether you’re looking for basic training or something more advanced, we’re here to help. Get in touch with us today to schedule your training and ensure your organization is fire-ready.

Stay safe with TASC!